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[2018.05.18] KNS Conference in Jeju

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 3069


[2018.05.18] KNS Conference in Jeju
Attending the Korean Nuclear Society (KNS) spring conference in Jeju with Tran Tuan and Nguyen Xuyen.

“A proposed numerical model for cabinets of nuclear power plants”, The Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting 2018, ICC Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, section 10A, 16-18 May 2018. (ACK:NPP-SPRA)
“Progressive Calibration of the FE model of an Electric Cabinet in Nuclear Power Plant”, The Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting 2018, ICC Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, section 10A, 16-18 May 2018. (ACK:NPP-SPRA)
“Challenges on Probabilistic Site Response Analysis for the Generation of GMRS in Korea”, The Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting 2018, ICC Jeju Island, Republic of Korea, section 10A, 16-18 May 2018. (ACK: None)