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[2013.10.31] Paper Beats Rock

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 1991


[2013.10.31] Paper Beats Rock: How Trees Split Tonnes of Rock with Natural Force
An early tree is growing by its own accord but its growth pattern is obstructed by a large rock. The young tree can no longer reach the sunlight needed to photosynthesise, meaning it will die. If the tree already has some of its root structure within the rock, it can begin to fight for survival and reach the topside of the rock.
The natural development of a tree’s root allows it to expand its width as well as length. Over time, a root can grow into a crevice in the rock, expanding the fissure through the inside of it to the point where the physical stress becomes too severe. The result is a split through the entire boulder, giving the tree the free passage to grow around its conquered oppressor.

바위와 나무의 사투
커다란 바위가 쩌억 갈라졌다. 나무가 바위를 가른 것이다. 바위는 오랫동안 멈춰 있었을 것이고, 나무는 조금씩 성장하면 움직였을 것이다. 작고 미약한 움직임도 오래 지속되니 괴력이 된다. 커다란 바위도 둘로 가를 수 있었다. 사람들이 볼 수 없는 세계에서 나무와 바위는 오랫동안 대결을 벌였던 것이다. (조선일보, 2013.11.02)