[AI 시대] 2024 노벨 물리학상/화학상 (The Nobel Prize in Physics/Chemistry 2024)
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올해 노벨 물리학상 수상자 제프리 힌턴 교수(2024년 10월 현재 76세)
Professor Geoffrey Hinton, the recipient of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics (as of October 2024, aged 76), was the coauthor of a paper (on backpropagation) that ended the first AI winter in 1986. After that, he endured the second AI winter, which occurred around 1990, for more than a decade. This second winter was so severe that just having the term "neural networks" in a paper would prevent it from being published. Despite the challenges, he persisted in this field and, in 2006, developed a model that would break the second AI winter. In 2012, he led the team that won the ImageNet Challenge, effectively putting an end to the second AI winter. The performance of "AlexNet," which debuted in the ImageNet Challenge at the time, was so outstanding that it could be considered a revolutionary technology by the standards of the day. He is truly a prime example of the saying "endurance leads to victory." |
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