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[Training] 19.9.9 - 9.13 (5일간) SQUG Walkdown (원전 전력설비 내진전문가 교육)

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 4168

*SQUG(원전 및 전력설비 내진전문가 교육)*
-일시: 2019년 9월 9일(월) - 9월 13일 (금) 5일간
-장소: EPRI, 1300 W. WT Harris Blvd Charlotte, NC 28262 Building 1, Room 1-402
-수강료: $2,000
- Training Details
The SQUG Walk down Screening and Seismic Evaluation Training ("Walkdown Course") provides training for Seismic Capability Engineers (SCEs). This training is required to qualify engineers to apply the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP) as an alternative seismic qualification method. It is also recommended to qualify engineers to perform seismic screening walk downs as part of seismic margin assessments (SMAs) and seismic probabilistic risk assessments (SPRAs). This five-day course is intended for those personnel who will be performing seismic walkdowns and evaluations based on the SQUG Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP). As required in the GIP, personnel responsible for performing seismic walkdowns and evaluations are required to be degreed engineers with at least five (5) years of experience in earthquake engineering applicable to nuclear power plants and structural or mechanical engineering. Therefore, the material used in the subject training course and the pace at which the material will be presented assumes that the students have the above background and experience; i.e., they understand the fundamentals of earthquake and structural engineering. In addition to the above minimum requirements, students are required to review the GIP and the supporting reference documents prior to the course. To demonstrate that they have a basic familiarity with the GIP and its foundation, students must complete a pre-test and turn it in for grading when they arrive at the class site. It is expected that each student will need to spend about 40 hours completing the required review and pre-test. Each student must be pre-registered. No substitutions can be made unless the substitute student registers, completes the required review, and submits a completed pre-test at the start of the course to demonstrate that he/she is sufficiently prepared to attend the course. Students will be provided with a course workbook, a copy of the Generic Implementation Procedure (GIP), and electronic copies of reference documents. A certificate of attendance will be issued for each trainee certifying attendance at the full course. Students will need to bring a laptop or tablet to enable access reference documents and view supplemental video material provided on a DVD or posted to the SQUG web site.