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[Seminar] 2016-02-04 (THU) 해상풍력구조물 Offshore Structures

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 3844

Presenter: BumJoon Kim (Mr.)
Affiliation: KonKun Univ.
Title: How to use X-SEA and X-FAST for the anlysis of offshore structures
Where: 군산대 산학협력관 소회의실 2층 (Seminar room, 2nd floor of the Industry Building, Kunsan National Univ.)
When: 2/4/2016(Thu) 11AM - 6 PM

- Contents
1. X-SEA: Pre- & Post
2. Modeling of Jacket Structures and Loads
3. X-FAST Manual
4. X-SEA Q&A
5. Manual: offshore environemntal loading, fatigue analysis, soil-pile analysis
6. X-FINAS Manual
7. Research Topics