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[2012.08.20] Summer School at PolyU, Hong Kong

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 4265

Dear All,


The Faculty of Construction and Environment (FCE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), invites outstanding postgraduate and senior undergraduate students from leading universities around the world in disciplines related to construction and environment to join our Summer School from 20 to 26 August 2012 in Hong Kong.


Who can apply

1.      Full-time postgraduate students pursuing a Master’s degree programme.

2.      Fresh graduates of Bachelor degree programmes at the time of the FCE Summer School.

3.      Senior undergraduate students who are in the final stage of undergraduate studies at the time of the FCE Summer School (e.g. have at least completed 3 years of a 4-year Bachelor degree programme).

4.      The applicants should have a strong interest in a research/academic career, excellent communication abilities as well good leadership potential.

5.      The academic performance of successful applicants is expected to be within the top 10% of students from leading universities (e.g. Chinese mainland universities of the 985 project).


How to submit applications

The application materials should include a duly completed application form, a Curriculum Vitae, academic transcripts, and degree certificates (if any). In addition, a one-page personal statement describing the applicant’s research/career aspirations needs to be submitted.


Details of the Summer School

A short course on research frontiers in construction and environment plus other activities (e.g. laboratory and site visits) will be offered by the FCE. The short course will be delivered in English. 

Students who are interested in furthering their studies in disciplines related to construction and environment at PolyU can also take advantage of this opportunity to explore potential research topics with academic staff of FCE/PolyU.

Further details of the Summer School can be found at:

Financial support

Free accommodation (shared room) will be provided to all admitted students.  Economy class return air tickets or train tickets will also be provided on a reimbursement basis.   The reimbursement ceiling for students from within and outside the Pearl-river delta region will be HK$1,000 and HK$4,000 respectively.



For enquiry, please contact Ms Connie Man at or fax 852-2362 2574 or telephone 852- 3400 3878.


Application deadline

Interested students are welcome to submit an application to the Faculty Office by email ( or fax (852-2362 2574) on or before 15 May 2012. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

We look forward to welcoming you to Hong Kong in the near future!



Faculty of Construction and Environment



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