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[Graduates] Application 2018.1.8(M)-10(W) 전기대학원 추가 모집 International

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 3726

KNU accept the application for Graduate School for Spring 2018 again.
1. Application Methiod: Online application
2. Application Priod: Jan 8 (Mon) 09:00 KST to Jan 10 (Wed) 24:00 KST, 2018 (KST: Korea Standard Time)
3. Required Documents: Please refer to the prospectus (You can click the above menu "외국인입학전형" ro visit the website
4. Application Fee: KRW 50,000 (You must pay it until Jan 10, 2018. If not, your application will be erased.)
   - Account number: 567-13-0303677 (Jeonbuk Bank, Account holder: Kunsan NU)
   - Swift code: JEONKRSE