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[Seminar] 2019.12.09, Asaduzzaman Khan, Behavior of SC Panels under Co

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 4353

[Seminar] 2019-12-09, Asaduzzaman Khan, Behavior of SC Panels under Combined Loadings

Behavior of Steel and Steel-Concrete Sandwich Panels under Combined Blast and Fragment loadings

Structural System LAB
Civil and Environmental Enginnering Department.
Kunsan National University.
558 Daehak-ro, Kunsan, Jeonbuk 54150
Republic of Korea.

Dec 09, 2019

Asaduzzaman Khan
PhD Student, School of Engineering and Information Technology (SEIT), UNSW Canberra

Alumni of Kunsan National University.
Republic of Korea.