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[2011.12.14] OpenSees Webinar on F vs D

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 2577

The OpenSees team wishes to inform you that:

The next seminar in the popular web-based Discovering OpenSees: Surfing the waves of OpenSees learning series will occur on December 14 & 15. The session will be broadcast twice at times that will allow users in all time zones around the world to participate.

This 1-hour session is titled "Force-based Element vs. Displacement-based Element" and will occur on December 14 at 9:00 am Pacific Time & on December 15 at 4:30 pm Pacific Time. This seminar will discuss the two most commonly used OpenSees elements for modeling beam-column elements: force-based element and displacement-based element.

For more information on the event and on how to register, please visit