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[Seminar] 2011.01.05 SHM Using Wireles Smart Sensor

작성자 : 관리자


조회수 : 2454

[Seminar] Structural Health Monitoring Using Wireles Smart Sensors

+What: 스마트 무선 센서를 이용한 사장교 건전성 모니터링 (Structural Health Monitoring of Cable-stayed Bridge Using Wireles Smart Sensors)
+Who: 조수진 박사 (Soojin Cho, Ph.D )
+When: 4:00PM, January 5 (WED), 2011
+Position: Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST
+Where: 4th floor of the Department of Civil Engineering
+Sponsor: 군산대 공과대 중점연구회 (KNU research team)