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[03. 예제 - SDOF] 고유진동수 해석 - 단진자(cae,inp)

작성자 : kim2kie


조회수 : 2756

SDOFpendulum.cae 내려받기

Job-SDOFpendulum.inp 내려받기


The Natural Frequency of a Simple Pendulum (Simulation via Abaqus), 2022

(1) Part
(2) Property
(3) Assembly
(4) Step
(5) Interaction
(6) Load
(7) Mesh
(8) Job
(9) Visualization

단진자(SDOF; Simple Pendulum)의 고유진동수를 구하라.
.단위: m, kg(자중은 무시), N
.SDOF: m = 2 kg, l = 0.01 m, g = 9.81 m/s^2, J = m * l^2 = 0.0002 kg.m^2

(1) Part
.mass를 (0,-0.01,0)으로, base를 (0,0,0)의 point로 지정 


(2) Property
건너 뜀

(3) Assembly
.mass와 base를 instance(실체)로 작성
.Tools > Set > Create...로 mass와 base를 set로 각각 지정

(4) Step
.Step-1: General : Static, General : Basic[Nlgeom(On)], Incrementation[size(0.1)]
.Step-2: Linear perturbation : Frequency : Basic[nfreq = 2]


.Field Output: Step-1: Displacement/Velocity/Acceleration(On)

(5) Interaction
.Special > Inertia > Create
.Create Wire Feature : Disjoint wires(분리된 와이어)
.Create Connector Section : Basic : Translational(Link)
.Create Connector Assignment : 


(6) Load
.Create Load : Step-1 : Mechanical(Gravity = 9.81 m/s^2)
.Create BC-1 : Initial : Symmetry : Base(Pinned)
.Create BC-2 : Initial : Displacement : mass(U3)

(7) Mesh
건너 뜀

(8) Job
.Create Job

(9) Visualization
.View > ODB Display Options > Entity Display[Show connectors; Show mass/inertia elements]
.Result > Step/Frame : Step-2[Mode 2: wn, fn]
.이론해[wn^2 = 981, fn = 4.98 Hz] vs 수치해석 결과